Why would a brewery in the desert make a stout? Because we wanted to. But not the burnt, over roasted, puckering style. We needed something to go the distance in the heat so this one's a sessionable stout. Brewed with a wide range of malts responsible for contributing chocolate, toffee, coffee flavours and creating a smooth, velvety finish. Well balanced with a strong bitterness from early boil additions of Cascade hops. Goes down smooth and at 4.2% ABV, it’s not going to blow your thongs off...
Don't let the name stout put you off. Our version is an easy-drinker, well balanced but still deserves the stout name with plenty of chocolate, toffee and coffee from start to finish. It's a stout to enjoy all year round. This was in our original lineup of beers when we opened in 2018, and due to popular demand (and a gold medal award...) it's here to stay.
Appearance: Coffee black with a light caramel collar
Aroma: Melting chocolate, wafts of freshly ground coffee
Flavour: Medium body (for a stout), velvety chocolate, subtle toffee sweetness, finishes dry
Hops: Cascade
Grain: Pilsner, Chocolate, Roasted Barley, Munich, Golden Naked Oats, Carafa
Yeast: American Ale
ABV 4.2%
Indies (Independent Brewers Association Awards)
2023 - Stout
Bronze Medal
Royal QLD Beer Awards
2024 - Session Beer
Silver Medal
2023 - Session Beer
Gold Medal
Being in the middle of the desert we couldn’t really produce a massive stout. We made a single keg batch of our easy-drinking Stout for our opening day and thought we would be sitting on it for months. We sold it in 45 mins. We loved the beer and set about entering it in competitions only to be told it wasn’t a stout – probably true! – and often it would not even get judged. Sent it off to the Royal Queensland awards into the session beer category for a bit of a laugh and it got gold! It also got one of the highest scores in the whole competition. Now we call it “The Little Stout That Could”.